Hvordan arbejder vi ?


Face-to-Face interviews


Kvalitative Hall Test

Kvalitative interviews
som Mail surveys og



Kvalitative interviews
som e-Speed,
Internet Panel og Online interviews

Medical Research

Praktiserende læger



Sygeplejersker og specialsygeplejersker

Patienter med særlige diagnoser



Consumer Insight Research

5 Eksperter/ læge specialister/ beslutningstagere i én times mini fokus gruppe

Qualitative and Test Interview Laboratory and Field

Fenestra Medical Research Experts

Fenestras kvantitative markedsanalyse ekspert

FENESTRA Medical Marketing Research presentation
FENESTRA has both expertise and experience in Medical Marketing Research and tests of concepts, user preferences and understanding and use of packaging, test of instruction text foruse of the medication and test of medical devices with current and potential users of drugs.

Physicians and other health care providers
We are good at conducting interviews with the different specialists and generalists on treatment and health. We conduct interviews professionally with a presentation and approach, adapted to the specific target group be it general practitioners, specialists and hospital physicians, including doctors with different specialties. We also have experience with other groups of staff in the health sector and among private practitioners.

We handle with gentleness and competence interviews with all kinds of patient groups on all diseases and disorders and their treatment and the brands of medicines patients are using or prefer.
Our project managers have personal experience from practice and research in the field. It contributes to a good knowledge of people, specialties and behavior in health care and among the other therapists.

Qualitative interviews in test center
FENESTRA often use a test center, when market information needs to be obtained directly from those who matters both re patients, consumers, decision makers, specialists, experts and doctors.

Some of our Medical/Health Care Research projects within the last three years.
  • IDI’s with experienced Psychiatrists on ADHD treatment
  • DI’s with Hepatologists on treatment and a new medical product
  • IDI’s with diabetes patients
  • IDI’s with stoma patients
  • IDI’s with Dentists and Dental Hygienists on new paste for special treatment
  • Focus groups with potential users of new contraceptive method
  • Test interviews of new infertility treatment drug
  • Qualitative interviews with Chief Executive Doctors in hospitals regarding medical disposable paraphernalia and waste management
  • IDI’s with kidney specialists on new medical treatment
  • IDI’s with liver specialists on treatment regimen and new product
  • IDI’s and focus groups with rare disease patients, their families and caregivers re new medical treatment
Fenestra Medical Research Experts
Managing Director
Ivan Dybdal
(MSc Sociology)
Qualitative Research Director
Poul Röpke
(MSc Psychology)

Fynsvej 15 København 2800 Lyngby Tlf: 40 41 52 90 e-mail: mail@fenestra.dk